The god and goddess of Jezebel is a constant mention in the Bible,ever since the people of Israel walked into the land of Canaan. God told them not to follow the ways of the Canaanites, but they disobeyed on this. Constantly they walked away from the God of Israel and worshiped other gods and goddess. The so far archaeological finds to point the religious system of the Canaanites to be brutal in its nature there were evidence of child sacrifice, sexual perversion, prostitution,idol worship of different kinds, lawless leaders as king and queen,flaunting wrong use of authority. so on so forth. The Canaanites made the Israelite's to walk in their path of unrighteousness by worshiping pagan gods. After the death of Joshua, people again strayed away from the path of the Lord and followed pagan gods. The story of Gideon, the destroyer unfolds: Gideon was visited by an angel of the Lord giving Gideon his calling as mighty man who is going to save Israel from the hands of the ...