Who is Jezebel?

Queen of Satan's Kingdom

Why Jezebel is a topic?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.(John 10:10)
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy" is often said to describe satan, this is the focus point of Jezebel.
Jezebel has an agenda in hand that is to steal our God given destiny and to destory our life and take the soul to hell.
Jezebel is one of the Satan's hirerachy. Jezebel is one of the Satan trio, propelling the the kingdom of Satan on the earth. Jezebel shows and promotes all the traits of lucifer.

How Jezebel portrays itself?
Jezebel is a leader, of false doctrine, false-prophet, false agenda, false teacher, false worshiper.

Jezebel Male or Female?
Jezebel is a demon, it has no gender to particularly assign to. It can operate through a man or a woman.

Who is Jezebel in the Bible?
 Jezebel character in the Bible is the daughter of Ethbaal, Phoenician King(Tyre and Sidon), who married Ahab, the King of Israel.Ahab turns into marry Jezebel a daughter of Canaan in-order to stabilize his kingdom. Thus he willingly, walked out of the will of God and married a strange women.

This strange woman is the daughter of idol worshiper. Who brought with her idols and whoredom of her father's land. This package of Jezebel's entry into the land of Israel; marked the land with curse of worshipping false gods and idols.

Jezebel's father was a high priest of Baal. She worshiped Baal and Asharah. She killed the prophets of God Most High and entertained the prophets and priests of Baal and Asharah at her table.

Did Ahab had, what he desired for?

Ahab married Jezebel in order to built up his peace treaty with the nearby territory. As a result he expanded his kingdom next in line to king Solomon. The expansion was done, at the cost of compromising with the social and cultural backdrop with others who serve idols. Mere extension of the territory does not bring-in fertile land. The breach from the laws of Lord brought famine to the land.

The nation of Israel remind  cursed till Ahab's reined ended. 


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